Tuesday, April 8, 2008

On the eve of spring

It feels like spring is stalling, delaying her full appearance on the Philadelphia stage. Somehow that feels appropriate this year. We have spent a long winter in the hospital, with doctors, at home. Today is the final phase of the winter's chemo. In two hours Nancy and I head for our fourth and final treatment of this phase. And then we will wait for spring!

She is a true steel magnolia. By this I mean that Nancy has this grace to endure hardship with steadiness, simple resolution and (mostly) smiles. What a marvel to watch her tell funny stories to her oncologist with the needle in her arm, having just endured five failed attempts to get a vein.

What is the source of such long suffering? I wish I could bottle it, or even describe it accurately. I think she just has faith, a simple conviction that "He is strong, and He is good." Pray for spring to come quickly here.


Anonymous said...

she is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

words and streets said...

5 tries??? ugh. you're last treatment, right?? yea!! twas so good to see you last weekend.
much love,
allie s.